Nina House | Family & Funeral Celebrant


Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Naming Ceremonies

Wedding Ceremonies

Civil Partnership Ceremonies

Renewal of Vows Ceremonies

Funeral Ceremonies



Contact information

07776 232702

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My name is Nina House, I am 53 years old, married with two children. I am a trained counsellor, clinical hypnotherapist and life coach. I would consider myself very much to be a people person, one that is caring, empathetic and understanding. I feel that my counselling background and indeed my own life experiences, have given me the qualities to help those who are bereaved and grieving.
I have also in the past worked as a counsellor for Cruse Bereavement Care. In my early career I worked in the fitness industry, both in teaching, management and instructor training. I have always been drawn to those roles that help people, whether it be helping them to become fitter, or to feel better about themselves and their life. For a time I worked as a marriage celebrant / registrar for my local Registry Office, a job which I very much enjoyed.
After being asked several times to speak at funerals for family and friends, I decided to train with UKSOC as a family Celebrant, so that I could conduct funerals, civil partnerships, and marriage ceremonies.


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