Debbie Bairstow | Funeral Celebrant


Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Funeral Ceremonies



Contact information

07583 086 865

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Welcome. So, what do I do?

Predominantly I listen, listen and listen.

It is so important to let you speak. We need to become friends, building up a special relationship. You may need to share a problem, current or historical, family related or not. Patience is so important, allowing you time to feel at ease to speak.

As we speak, just listening to you will give me so much information I will need, a life story, good and perhaps not so good, incidents that stick in your mind, funny stories that will make others smile, sadness that may also need to be shared. I can then go back and get specific information I feel I may need.

It is my responsibility to give you what you want from the Ceremony, how can we together make it memorable, respectful, but easy to deal with. This is about what you need, not what I think might be nice.

I find trying to ensure the readings are special for that person is so important, I enjoy finding something appropriate. Everyone was an individual in life, so why not in death, they should have a ceremony specially formulated for them.

If possible I would always want to go over the formulated ceremony before so you are comfortable with how I would like to present it.

The length of the Ceremony is short, so it is important to make the best of the time, leaving everyone with uplifting memories, sadness yes, but travelling home feeling that your relative or friend has been given the most respectful and meaningful Ceremony showing respect and love.

I would be privileged to help you though this difficult time, always available for a chat and support.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and ambitions. May you find what you are looking for if not with me with another Celebrant.


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