Sue Edwards | Family & Funeral Celebrant

Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Naming Ceremonies

Wedding Ceremonies

Civil Partnership Ceremonies

Renewal of Vows Ceremonies

Funeral Ceremonies


Contact information

01983 717183

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Thank you so much for taking the time to research & find me. We have obviously been led to find each other & I’m hoping that this will be the start of an inspiring journey for us both.

Having started my own floristry business from scratch 20 years ago, I have been both humbled and amazed by human nature throughout these years. Designing & creating beautiful floral displays for families at the happiest times of their lives & at the saddest times has been a gift which I will always treasure. Although I have loved every second of this time, recently I have felt that I needed to give more. To be of service. So, decided to embark on this adventure and help create wonderful moments in time which hopefully will be remembered & cherished for years to come.

A chance request by a close family friend to “say a few words” for her husband’s funeral (i.e. conduct the service even though they didn’t want a service!) led me onto this journey of enlightenment.

I have had the most wonderful grounding & teacher in my life; My Mum, Jill Meaton. Mum was a spiritualist minister for the SNU & I was always watching her prepare & write unique services. I listened to her as she stood and practised the services through before “doing them for real”. She took funeral & wedding services, naming services, civil partnership ceremonies. Each one she put her heart & soul into & made very personal to each & every family. What better teacher could I have had?

Even with this background, I do not consider myself to have a label. I take elements & lessons from all walks of life & consider myself to be a “spiritual “person, NOT a spiritualist or indoctrinated with any particular religion or belief. If you require the Lord’s Prayer at your service that is fine, if you require a Buddhist Reading, I have these, but equally no religious reference is also fine. I am here to create a totally unique & bespoke service that is right for you & your loved ones.

There is no right or wrong way, only what is right for you. Whether for a happy or sad occasion I will create a fitting ceremony which will inspire & have people remembering with Love for years to come. I am here to be of service to you always with Love & Sincerity

Yours truly,

Email Sue: