Toni Bonner | Family Celebrant


Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Funeral Ceremonies



Contact information


Facebook Instagram Celebrant website

I decided to become a celebrant because I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to celebrate the joy in life.

When I got married there had to be a certain amount of compromise. Neither of us belong to a religion so we ended up in a small room at the registrars office.
Celebrants were not known in this country at that point. We would have enjoyed a ceremony that reflected us as individuals rather than a generic ceremony.
My aim is to give people something we did not have the opportunity to experience - a tailor made ceremony, as unique and special as we are!

Cuideachd tha Gàidhlig agam!
Tha mi deiseil is deònach air deasan-ghnàth a’dèanamh anns a’Ghàidhlig ma tha feum agaibh orm.

Whatever it is that you would like to celebrate I can make sure that you have a unique ceremony that is the way you want it to be.

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