Membership Application

There are five levels of UKSOC membership:

Professional Membership (PM) aimed at organisations affiliated to the Civil Celebrant Industry – £365 PA

Full Membership (M) aimed at Independent Civil Celebrants who have successfully completed formal training* in celebrancy. Access to UKSOC forums and ongoing mentorship / practice and marketing support services. Evidence of either experience and  / or training must be provided* – £95 pa for UKSOC trained celebrants | £155 pa for Non-UKSOC trained celebrants.

Fellow Membership (F) aimed at experienced Civil Celebrant members selected / invited by the Executive Committee of UKSOC annually – Fellows will be invited to attend occasional training courses as guest speakers / trainers. Membership includes access to UKSOC forums and support services.

Honorary Membership (H) Invitation ONLY – aimed at individuals who, through their work have significantly contributed to the professional standing of the Civil Celebrant profession.

Honorary Fellow Membership (HF) Invitation ONLY – aimed at individuals who, through their work have significantly contributed to the professional standing of the Civil Celebrant profession and the funeral or wedding industry.

For further information on the benefits of UKSOC membership contact us here!

*Evidence of training to include training certificates / diplomas and three ceremony scripts (names changed to protect clients) of ceremonies you have officiated and two references required for consideration. Documents can be uploaded on the membership application form below.

Membership Application Form