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Become a successful certified wedding, funeral, or family celebrant
Starting a new career as a celebrant will give you the potential to earn money doing something you love.
A creative and rewarding career helping couples have the wedding ceremony they deserve, and family’s have a funeral ceremony fitting for their loved ones.
If you are looking for a new creative, rewarding career that can give you working flexibility along with being your own boss, becoming a celebrant could be the option for you.
Choosing a career in Celebrancy allows you to
Be your own boss.
Earn as much as you choose.
Run your business from the comfort of your own home.
Determine your own hours of work.
Learn the essential skills to become a creative, successful celebrant.
Create personalised ceremonies along with special elements that are tailored to your clients, helping you stand out and gain more clients.
Learn from working celebrants who have years of experience gaining bookings from funeral directors and finding couples who want to buy your wedding services.
Mentoring to get your name out there, along with website design and digital marketing services to get you found online via google and social media.
You will receive
Live one to one on-line tutorials from successful working celebrants.
Courses designed to help you write outstanding, creative and personalised ceremonies.
Access to your peers to help guide you on your journey.
Ongoing Mentorship available on successful completion of your course.
Marketing advice available to help you find your dream clients.
Your own promoted personal profile webpage in our original Celebrant Directory
Student Story | Julia Hill
Choosing to train through the United Kingdom Society of Celebrants, has by far been the best and most life changing decision I have ever made. The training and mentor-ship are of the highest quality, and ongoing support means I never have to face a situation without being prepared. UKSOC remain committed to excellence on all levels and push me as a member to always go above and beyond; remaining committed to what I do on every level.