Glynis Woodhead | Family & Funeral Celebrant


Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Naming Ceremonies

Wedding Ceremonies

Civil Partnership Ceremonies

Renewal of Vows Ceremonies

Funeral Ceremonies



Contact information

07407 455344

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Thank you for clicking on my profile. My name is Glynis Woodhead and I’d be delighted to be your celebrant and help you with whichever of life's most important moments is happening for you right now or in the future.
I’m an English graduate and writer and having worked in education for the last 17 years, I’m a highly confident organiser and public speaker. In some of the spare time I have, I’ve enjoyed volunteering in organisations as diverse as the prison service, a wildlife trust, and the Samaritans.
The question I'm most often asked is why I chose to become a celebrant, and the answer to that is really easy. I've attended many weddings and funerals in my life, the majority of which have been religious ceremonies. Whilst I absolutely understand and respect the need for people to have a religious element on those occasions, sometimes the ceremonies themselves have left me feeling quite cold, as they were more to do with dogma and religious tradition than they were to do with the individuals at the centre of the occasion. In 2009, I emigrated to New Zealand, and found that there is much more focus on the personality of individuals involved in ceremonies of all kinds and focus on the joy of life and partnerships. So that there is real emphasis on that individuality, celebrants are used much more commonly to enable this. That's where I experienced the huge change of focus when a celebrant leads an event, and how truly special a ceremony can be when it is closely personalised. I think it was in those moments I realised that I had a huge amount to offer and a real desire to work with people to help them fulfil their wishes, so now, I’m putting into practice what I’ve learned both here and abroad.
Originally from Scotland, I've now returned to live in Inverness, the capital of the beautiful Highlands. If I can help you in any way, please get in touch with me and we’ll discuss how, together, we can make your most important moment really special. 


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