Amanda McCabe | Funeral Celebrant


Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Naming Ceremonies



Contact information

07929  521 449

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Hello everyone, I am Amanda, a retired teacher.

I live in a small town on the southern outskirts of Leicester, with my family.  The youngest of four children, I grew up in Peterborough surrounded by a close-knit community of extended family and friends which resulted in many opportunities to gather and celebrate all those significant events that cannot pass unmarked, be they happy or sad.

Having had the opportunity to attend so many events I understand that, to paraphrase the words of the fifties song, little things really do mean a lot. Attention to detail is essential for events to run smoothly and whilst the necessities are going to be performed regardless of who is officiating, it is the personal touch that leaves a lasting impression. For me that personal touch is what makes any occasion and I take great pleasure in providing it.

I and my husband are keen people-watchers. We like nothing better than to sit in a busy place - pub, beauty spot, you name it, we love it – and watch the world go by. People fascinate us: what makes them tick, how they interact with each other etc. And I chat to everyone, often to my children’s embarrassment! However, it is this interest in others that has shaped my life. I trained as a hairdresser when I left school and loved the interaction with clients: all the details of their lives, frequently being the sympathetic ear or confidante – believe me, nobody who visits their hairdresser on a regular basis needs a therapist! One of the most rewarding part of the job was the satisfaction of sending someone out of the salon feeling uplifted. This same sense of satisfaction is a key motivator in being a celebrant – to know that I have helped someone feel better about themselves or their situation is immensely rewarding, especially in times of sadness and loss.

As my children grew I began helping at their school and decided to become a teacher, focusing on my passion: English. I thought I knew what hard work was, on my feet all day hairdressing. My goodness was I in for a shock. Teaching is exhausting! But so rewarding. Working with teenagers has been an absolute joy and many of my students have kept in touch over the years, sharing their successes with me.

Loving English as I do, the challenge of finding poems, quotes, extracts etc. that hit just the right note for clients is a labour of love. The difficulty can be restricting the number of suggestions, especially at a time when people are struggling with grief and can feel overwhelmed by everything.

This is where the personal touch is crucial. In getting to know you I can offer the service that speaks to you emotionally and brings comfort to you and those around you. I want to get to know your loved one and help create a service that honours them and celebrates their life. It is your precious moment and I want to make sure it is unique to you.

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