Des Figueiredo | Funeral Celebrant

des figueiredo funeral celebrant profile
des figueiredo funeral celebrant profile


Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Funeral Ceremonies

Interment Ceremonies

Memorial Ceremonies


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Funeral Celebrant in London

Hi I’m Des Figueiredo and I’m your Funeral Celebrant in London.

There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life.’

Tara Brach

However much we mostly like the feeling of being in control of our lives and for things to not be messy and unpredictable, we are all confronted with times in when we find ourselves in liminal spaces unsure about how to navigate through the unknown

I am here to introduce myself to you as a funeral celebrant, to offer to guide and support you through one of life’s more challenging transitions … the passing of someone close to you. This is a time when many of us find ourselves in uncharted waters unsure about how to navigate the unknown

My name is Des, and although based in West London, I am willing to travel to work with individuals and communities anywhere in the UK or abroad to help co-create a meaningful, respectful and bespoke funeral ceremony, delivered in a professional, articulate and sensitive manner. I am equally happy to provide a traditional religious service or a bespoke ceremony which reflects your own values and beliefs. You may choose to include ancient rituals or something culturally relevant, but whatever you choose will result in a deeply meaningful ceremony which is uniquely yours.

I have worked with people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures  for over 30 years, and have had to learn to navigate many transitions both in my own life and in other people’s lives. One of the many skills I acquired from my work was to listen deeply to people’s hearts, and to honour the rich stories that each life offered. I now feel motivated to offer my experience in service to people as a Funeral Celebrant to support people facing what often feels like an imperfect and messy time in our life journey.

I was married for 30 years and have three grown up children all learning to navigate their own path through the unknowns of life. I am excited to be moving into this next stage of life open to new experiences and challenges. I would be honoured to be part of your life journey as your Funeral Celebrant

“Most people die with their music still locked up inside them.”

Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister 1868

I have been privileged to have been around people for all my life and I am genuinely fascinated to discover the stories contained in each life. I have acquired many skills in the different leadership roles I have had in my life, from supporting to caring,  active listening to script writing, organising people to holding space for gathered community, and in times of honouring a life once lived, sensitively holding both grief and celebration in respectful balance.

Through deep listening, I will endeavour to hear the stories people tell me of the life that touched other peoples’ lives in unique ways, and will endeavour to co create a rich narrative that will both honour the many lives and the one life. I think this is an acquired life skill, to untangle the complex knots of an individual’s life and to somehow recreate a woven tapestry that tells it’s own unique story.

Woven Chords is all about unlocking the music locked up in the heart of the one you have lost, as well as enabling the song of other people’s hearts to be heard as we collectively celebrate the life once lived.

I look forward to hearing the song that will be sung through the collection of readings, music, silence, testimonials, dance and various other creative forms that will come together as we co-create a unique ceremony for the person you wish to honour in a meaningful way.

des funeral celebrant ceremony

Des Figueiredo funeral celebrant


Contact information


+44 (0)7974 242 794

Des Figueiredo funeral celebrant


Des the funeral celebrant on Facebook



Get in touch with Des: