Victoria Wells | Funeral Celebrant



Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Funeral Ceremonies



Contact information

07810 432534

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Born and raised in Yorkshire, Victoria has lived all over the world which encapsulates a worldly and honest outlook on life. As a qualified Funeral Director, Victoria has supported a wide range of families struggling to come to terms with loss and embraces the wonder of life through memories, stories and the light that the departed have left shining. Well spoken, approachable and caring.

I have helped many individuals and families through exceptionally difficult and dark times surrounding the passing of a loved one.

I can provide a bespoke, personal and meaningful ceremony.

Having worked in the funeral industry for a while and having overseen many different funerals, I endeavour to help create a wonderfully inspiring and bespoke ceremony which is delivered with a professional, articulate and caring manner.

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