Alison Smith | Funeral Celebrant

Alison Smith

Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing
Funeral Ceremonies


Contact information

07870 994393

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My name is Alison and I live in Keynsham, between Bath and Bristol with my 2 children and my cat.

When I was 14 I lost my father very suddenly from a heart attack, from that moment on life changed and my perspective of life was never the same again. There was a great sense of how fragile life is and I started to pay attention to the little things that are really important, I became very drawn to helping and supporting people and became interested in holistic therapies and natural remedies. I teach baby massage and work as an Indian head massage therapist.

I have a calling to nurture, most of my life I have been a stepmother, I now have 2 children of my own and motherhood has been the most incredible and challenging role I have ever had.

I work as a Doula supporting women and families after birth, supporting them through the transition into motherhood. I run a postnatal group and work closely with families and women who need me and I conduct Mother Blessings for pregnant women. I also work as a soul doula, supporting people at the end of life and I find it very interesting how coming in and going out of this world have very similar journeys.

Rights of passage feel the right place for me to be and when I work I always try and work with empathy. I have lost many members of my family and fully understand how it feels, so while working with birth is incredible I  like balance and supporting people while they are dying and then honouring them with a very personal funeral service tailored to the individual and supporting families through that particular period would be an honour.


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