Lorna Todd | Wedding and Funeral Celebrant

lorna todd wedding and funeral celebrant profile pic
lorna todd wedding and funeral celebrant profile pic


Celebrant Services Offered

Ceremony Script Writing

Wedding Ceremonies

Vow Renewal Ceremonies

Naming Ceremonies

Life Event Ceremonies

Funeral Ceremonies

Memorial Ceremonies



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Wedding and Funeral Celebrant in Wales

Hi! I’m Lorna, a family, wedding and funeral celebrant in Wales (Gwynedd - North Wales). If you’re looking for something unique and personal, then look no further.

I live right on the edge of the Eryri (formerly known as Snowdonia) National Park, only a few miles from the sea and some of the most beautiful scenery and beaches you will find anywhere.
North Wales has been my home for many years, although I'm Scottish and was brought up in the Highlands and love to visit in our camper-van whenever I'm able to.

Like most of us, I didn’t start out as a celebrant, it’s a career path which your life tends to lead you towards as a result of experience.

I trained as a musician, I play the violin and viola and I also conduct a very successful chamber choir. I still play and teach - I imagine I always will, it’s part of who I am, and you don't lose that, but some years ago, I was persuaded by a friend that I should consider becoming a celebrant.
So I did. And she was right. We should always listen to our friends!

Friends have always been important to me, although I also have two stepsons and grandchildren too now. Life is full and busy, but what is important becomes clearer as you get a bit older and working in something which has real value to people, helping them through the most meaningful days of their lives is more rewarding than I can possibly express.

I was once described as the "most conventional unconventional person I've ever met" by a young friend and I'm very happy to stick to that description!

Being a celebrant suits my skill set. I like to tell people that I'm basically nosey. It's true – I love to hear people’s stories! Another way of putting that is that I’m a good listener, and if you combine that with writing and public speaking skills, then there you have it.

Sounds easy? It's not, and it's never the same twice. It can be very emotional, and I hear things I never expected to hear, but, like a doctor, everything is in confidence and what I can do to help, I will. I will be calm and clear in how I work with you, that way I can help you create the ceremony you need.

Everything I do will always be about the individuals who are at the heart of the ceremony. My job is to help clients to create what they need. It's interesting, rewarding and challenging in equal measures.

I'm happy to spend as long as it takes talking to clients - in person if possible before writing and reviewing scripts; making suggestions for vows, whatever it takes to end up with the ceremony you need. But possibly most important of all, is that I'm happy to help you through the process when you need help the most, without ever losing sight of your wishes.

Whatever your ceremony is, I will never say or do anything we have not agreed upon in advance, so there are no unexpected surprises waiting for you on the day.

So if you think that you'd like a ceremony which is inspired by the most important people - those at the heart of it - then look no further. Whether it be a farewell celebration of life in your own garden, or jumping over the broom and literally, "tying the knot" I am happy to accommodate your wishes.


Lorna Todd Celebrant origilnal ceremonies 1

lorna todd wedding and funeral celebrant corn field

lorna todd wedding and funeral celebrant cake

Contact information


+44 (0)7778 255 471


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