Wedding Ceremony Elements | Step-by Step Guide | Unity Sand Ceremony

Weddings were once rather pre-prescribed affairs and would never include special elements like the Unity Sand Ceremony. In most cases that meant a bride, a groom, an officiant, some witnesses, and vows that were passed down through generations. You could, married or not, probably recite the ceremony by heart.

Wedding Law Reform | Wedding Celebrant Advice

As many of you know UKSOC as a member of the executive and current Chair of the WCC (Wedding Celebrancy Commission) have been working closely on your behalf with the Law Commission to positively effect Wedding Law Reform. The WCC has done all it can do for now, however, this is where you come in. If you support the proposed reform you too can help effect change. How?

Wedding Law Reform | Law Commission Final Report (England & Wales)

Celebrant weddings have rapidly increased in popularity over the past decade due to the rising demand for personalised, bespoke ceremonies, and growing awareness amongst couples of the choices available to them. It is widely accepted that reform in this area is long overdue and that the current marriage law is not fit for modern society, with much of it dating back from 1836.

Handfasting Ceremonies

Handfasting, probably the oldest wedding custom we have, is an important part of many weddings. In recent years, its popularity has increased, and celebrants are mainly responsible for creating and leading handfasting ceremonies for non-Pagan couples.   What is a handfasting ceremony? Originally a Pagan wedding custom, handfasting has been around for centuries. The name Read more…

How to Plan a Renewal of Vows Ceremony

With many people currently having small, legal weddings with a view to a bigger celebration in the future, one of the biggest questions these people might be asking is how they should plan a renewal of vows ceremony. From selecting the venue to deciding what’s going to be said in the ceremony, planning a renewal Read more…

5 Reasons Why Children Should Go to Funerals

In many families, when someone dies, there can be a tendency to protect younger members of the family from what has happened. Parents and role models often do this is several ways: by sugar-coating the description of what has happened; by introducing the idea that the child will see the person again in some kind Read more…

How Much Does a Celebrant Earn?

Whether you’re a budding celebrant wanting to know if celebrancy is a viable career, a newly-trained celebrant wanting to know where your price point should be, or even just a client wondering how much your chosen celebrant could cost you, questions that might be going through your head might be: “How much does a celebrant Read more…